
Tell me about safety at Roller Rave. What do I need to know?

bRoller Rave has been very successful in the UK for years, and we’re now launching the brand in the U.S. college market for the first time.  But rest assured, our years of experience have helped us make every event SAFE.

We have taken all of the necessary steps to reduce any possible risk. This includes:

  • Making it compulsory for all skaters to wear wrist protection at all times
  • We safeguard your venue, including the protection of any sharp corners and marking off any uneven areas of floor
  • We display laminated safety tips on clearly visible signs at the venue in various locations
  • Our Skate Marshal (Event Manager) is on hand to train the volunteers you’ve selected to assist the show (30-60 minutes prior). Our Skate Marshal remains on site and in charge at all times to maintain the safest environment.  Nobody is permitted to assist at a show without getting a full training and briefing from the Skate Marshall
  • All volunteers wear our very visible jackets to show there are volunteers in place to watch over the event
  • Our DJ is always positioned within a clear view of the venue should he need to shut off the music to maintain control of a situation
  • We require that one (1) medical personnel (provided by the venue) be on site at all times as a precaution to any falls
  • In terms of hygiene and focus on cleanliness for your patrons, all skates are sanitized with anti-bacterial spray after each use

What insurance coverage do we provide for you?

We have an excellent A-rated insurance policy, with the following coverage:

  • General Aggregate of $2m
  • Each Occurrence $2m
  • Personal & Advertising Injury $1m
  • Damage to Premises Rented by Roller Rave $100,000

We can add your operating entity and venue as an additional insured if desired.

Do patrons & students need to sign a waiver?

Yes. We provide a standard waiver for all Roller Rave participants, a copy of which can be viewed in advance on request. However, if they choose just to attend for the “dance” portion and don’t want to operate skates, they will not have to sign a waiver. But each student that is ready to pick up skates will received a wristband, but only after they have signed our protection waiver in order to get their band.